Courses and Workshops

Below is a breakdown of the courses and workshops offered by the Selkent League. We would like to encourage as many people as possible to apply. It is important that grass roots football continues to develop and improve. With your support, more children will benefit by playing football in a safe fun environment. If you require further information, please contact the League’s Course Co-ordinator: Sally Dolan: 07951 717 051 or e-mail:


  • Level One
  • Emergency Aid
  • Safe Guarding Children Workshop
  • Club Welfare Officer Workshop




Team Managers In-Service Training:


To improve the effectiveness of team managers so that their players enjoy a fulfilling experience and are given the best opportunity to realise their potential both as footballers and young people.



  1. To clarify the roles and responsibilities of a team manager
  2. To increase the technical knowledge and understanding of team managers
  3. To help team managers to be more proficient in game management including team selection, formations, half-time advice & substitutions
  4. To help team managers to develop a playing philosophy that puts the development of individual players first
  5. To increase team managers’ understanding of long term player development.
  6. To increase team managers’ awareness of personal development opportunities such as FA courses and workshops.



To provide a modular programme of in-service training that seeks to meet the needs of team managers within the Selkent League. The content of the programme will reflect the results of a needs analysis/survey conducted by the league. The programme will comprise 2 x 2 hour interactive indoor sessions and 6 hours of practical demonstrations based at London Marathon Playing Field, Greenwich.

Confirmation of Attendance 

Team Managers will receive a name badge after they have completed the course. 

It is mandatary for Team Managers to wear this badge at all Selkent League competition games.

Mini-Soccer Referee Workshop

The Aim:

Seeking consistency in application of the laws of the game. This course qualifies as an "in service" training course as part of the Charter Standard. We believe  this course is a must for all mini-soccer managers & parents that referee mini-soccer on a regular basis.

Linesperson Workshop:

11 & 9-A-Side

The Aim:

This workshop has been designed to assist team managers and parents with an understanding of the Laws of the game and to feel confident when taking on the role as lineperson. It is a six hour course held over two evenings 3 hours per evening. It includes an understanding of the Laws of the game.